Avalon Triangle Property Remediation
City of Los Angeles Harbor Department (Port of Los Angeles) • Wilmington, CA
Solution Overview

City of Los Angeles Harbor Department (Port of Los Angeles)
Business Challenge:
- Redevelop petroleum hydrocarbon and chlorinated volatile organic compound (CVOC)-contaminated Port of Los Angeles parcel into a community park
- Conducted detailed vertical delineation of contaminants
- Completed an interim hot spot soil removal action (RA)
- Performed two rounds of chemical oxidant injection
- Provided oversight and confirmation soil sampling during Phase II RA activities
- Sampling plans allowed the entire project team to make in-field decisions and expedite fieldwork for collection of multimedia samples
The City’s plan to redevelop the Port of Los Angeles Avalon Triangle site into a community park comprised multi‑phase remedial activities of complex site conditions involving soil and groundwater contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons and CVOCs, as well as shallow soil containing elevated concentrations of lead and/or arsenic.
Under Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) oversight, Apex conducted detailed vertical delineation of contaminants, including offsite sampling; completed an interim hot spot soil RA; performed two rounds of chemical oxidant injection; and provided oversight and confirmation soil sampling during Phase II RA activities.
Our Phase II RA involved destruction and replacement of groundwater monitoring wells, excavation confirmation soil sampling, and installation of soil vapor sampling probes. Apex performed multi‑media sampling of soil vapor, surface and subsurface soil, and groundwater and prepared an excavation summary report which documented the activities undertaken by the Harbor Department and demonstrated effectiveness of the Phase I RA (completed in 2020).
We collaborated with state regulators including the South Coast Air Quality Management District, Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, County of Los Angeles Public Health—Environmental Health Drinking Water Program, DTSC and the Harbor Department’s environmental, engineering, and construction divisions to develop sampling strategies and plans for the project. Apex’s deliverables included work plans, sampling and analysis plans, health and safety plans and full-scale engineering drawings for the excavation of contaminated soil and removal of contaminated groundwater.
The flexibility we built into our sampling plans allowed the entire project team to make pre‑approved in-field decisions and expedite fieldwork for collection of multimedia samples which took into consideration the direction of the project and the Port of Los Angeles’ visionary end-goal for a community park.