Improving Performance
US companies spend $62B annually in direct costs for nonfatal workplace injuries.1 Of these, musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are the single, largest category of injuries in the workplace, and account for ~30% of all worker’s compensation costs.2
By employing practical, effective ergonomic best practices, Apex Companies has helped clients significantly reduce lost-time and MSD‑related injuries. We can also help you improve performance in areas including productivity, turnover, employee engagement, job satisfaction, and workers compensation cost containment—a quality ergonomics program goes hand-in-hand with all these areas.
At Apex, our dedicated ergonomics staff are ready to assess risk and design solutions that lower your operational costs, increase your productivity, and provide a competitive edge for your organization in the marketplace.
To provide optimal value, we tailor each project to your needs with our team of Certified Professional Ergonomists (CPE), Certified Industrial Ergonomists (CIE), Certified Safety Professionals (CSP), and staff consultants who can meet any level of expertise required.
1 Source: 2016 Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index
2 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Our Solutions

Ergonomics Assessments and Customized Solutions
From offices to warehouses to complex manufacturing environments, we evaluate risk factors to help clients prioritize opportunities and solutions.
Virtual Home Workstation Ergonomic Evaluations
We help increase comfort and improve productivity when you and your team work from home. Watch our short video highlighting five easy tips for your home office.
Program Evaluation and Development
Whether by creating a new ergonomic program or by objectively benchmarking current programs against world-class industry peers, we can help you prepare the foundation necessary to reduce the risk associated with repetitive motion and other related injuries.
Ergonomics Design
Through collaboration with your workplace’s EH&S professionals, engineers, facilities personnel, and procurement teams, we can ensure that equipment, furniture and processes are designed to eliminate injury risk factors and optimize productivity.
From online to in-person, we offer a variety of ergonomic training classes including train the trainer, office evaluator, manual material handling, and general ergonomics awareness.
Supplemental Staffing
We provide staffing solutions with the right level of experience and pricing from staff consultants to industry-leading Certified Professional Ergonomists.
Ancillary Services
- Deep dive injury analyses of OSHA accident records or workers compensation claims
- Return to work and disability case management
- Risk mapping
- Digital human modeling
- Approved products list development
- Safe patient handling
- Integrated micro-break and educational software
- Physical demand analysis
- Stretching programs
- Body mechanics and postural coaching
- Management consulting (strategic business advising)