Landfill Design, Compliance Reporting, and Remediation Solutions
At Apex Companies, we are experienced in landfill design, state-of-the-art waste management, and compliance monitoring over the entire lifecycle of your facility. Working with clients in both the private and public sectors, we help develop landfill facilities and implement programs safely and economically.
From feasibility and environmental alternatives analysis through permitting and construction administration and quality assurance, to remediation solutions and landfill closure, we handle it all. This includes operations and environmental monitoring, sampling, and reporting.
Apex brings expert knowledge and cost-effective methods to the table, enabling our non-hazardous industrial and municipal waste management clients to transport, dispose, and/or beneficially use waste material (by-products) in accordance with strict regulatory standards.
Our waste management team enjoys strong and positive relationships with governing state agencies that oversee the management and disposal of waste, which helps to ensure that projects are designed in accordance with applicable regulations and standards.

Our Waste Management Engineering Solutions
Our waste management engineers work with you to find innovative solutions for balancing financial, regulatory, and environmental concerns. It’s a comprehensive approach that keeps both environmental concerns and economic viability in view. Our mission is your success.
- Air quality permitting, recordkeeping and reporting (e.g., NSPS, MACT, Title V)
- Beneficial use (co-product certification, use permitting and reporting)
- Compliance monitoring and reporting
- Construction specifications and detailed design
- Construction quality assurance and quality control
- Environmental systems monitoring, sampling, analysis, and reporting
- Expert testimony
- Facility due diligence
- Municipal waste
- Residual waste/coal ash/FGD residue
- Landfill design, permitting, and operations reporting
- Landfill closure and post-closure plans
- Leachate collection and treatment system design, permitting, and monitoring
- Remediation investigations and solutions
- Site investigations and classification
- Transfer station design and permitting
Work with one of the nation’s most experienced waste management engineering services.