Construction Oversight and SWPPP Implementation
Confidential Energy Clients • Denver-Julesburg Basin, Colorado
Solution Overview

Confidential Energy Client
Business Challenge:
- 237 oil and gas locations on 2,200 acres of active construction
- Stormwater compliance inspections
- Notice of Intent (NOI) support
- Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) generation and management
- Notice of Termination (NOT) support
- Gap-check analysis
- Grading erosion and sediment control (GESC) design
- Managed budgets
- Cost-effective compliance program
- Permit closure and the release of reclamation surety
Apex Companies currently coordinates and conducts stormwater compliance inspections, as well as erosion and sediment control measure (BMP) installation and maintenance for approximately 237 oil and gas locations on 2,200 cumulative acres of active construction at any given time throughout the Front Range of Colorado.
Between 2018 and 2021, Apex conducted 12,963 scheduled stormwater compliance inspections, 5,243 post-storm inspections in response to 0.25 inches of precipitation or more, and 816 post‑melt inspections following snowmelt which had the potential to result in surface erosion. Additionally, Apex inspected over 150 miles of linear pipeline construction and installation. We work with various clients, across all phases of exploration and production, including initial grading and excavation, drilling, well completions, production facility construction, compressor facility and gas plant construction, surface disturbance reduction, reclamation and post-construction monitoring, and facility decommissioning.
In addition to compliance inspections and action item management and maintenance, Apex supports local, state, and federal stormwater permitting efforts for energy-related projects, including NOI, SWMP, and SWPPP generation and management, and NOT upon completion of projects. Our team members serve as subject matter experts and are well versed in civil plan set review and consultation, as well as retrofits and engineering on a site-by-site basis. We provide a self‑developed compliance tracking database for clients, which assists in the generation of key performance indicators, asset tracking to closure, scheduling, program efficiencies, and metrics as a mapping tool for an internal and external (client-facing) interface that serves as a records repository for the life of a project and permit. This track-to-closure database allows for ease of records retrieval to support audit efforts at all levels of governing agency request.
Apex has faced challenges with acquisition of stormwater compliance programs previously managed by other consultants, such as missing assets, missing documentation, and failed identification of deficiencies. Through gap-check analysis and a ground-up approach, we have successfully integrated new client assets into our stormwater compliance program to provide audit‑proof records, reduced inspection costs, and release of local and state surety bonds.
Between 2018 and 2021, Apex strategically managed budgets for our energy clients, to continue providing a cost‑effective compliance program, during an industry slump. This included building upon routing efficiencies, keenly monitoring construction status for inspection frequency changes, ensuring staff maintain established production rates, and providing action items geared towards streamlining costs for our clients. When active operations cease, our inspectors are tasked with promotion of final stabilization and reclamation of idle construction projects and driving locations towards permit closure and the release of reclamation surety.