HAZMAT Survey, Mold Remediation, and Asbestos Abatement
City of Manassas • Manassas, VA
Solution Overview

City of Manassas
Business Challenge:
- Quantify and document Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) and mold at a property built in 1892
- Develop a HAZMAT sampling approach in alignment with Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) and other local and state requirements
- Turnkey mold remediation and asbestos abatement
- Comprehensive survey
- Turnkey mold remediation
- Asbestos abatement
Photo Credit: Historic Price William.
Apex Companies was contracted by the City of Manassas, Virginia to perform a HAZMAT survey including asbestos‑containing materials (ACM) and lead-based paint (LBP) survey at the Annaburg Manor property constructed in 1892. The client also requested turnkey mold remediation and asbestos abatement services as part of an upcoming renovation project.
In October 2018, Apex mobilized a team of two AHERA‑accredited asbestos inspectors and Commonwealth of Virginia licensed lead inspectors to the property. During the assessment, Apex identified 37 different homogeneous areas (HAs) of materials that might potentially contain asbestos. From the suspect materials, 75 individual samples were collected and submitted for analysis. Laboratory revealed asbestos detected above one percent in nine of the HAs. Apex also collected photographic images of the suspect materials and noted the locations, approximate quantities, and physical condition. Sample locations were provided on facility figures.
The LBP survey was performed with the use of a handheld x-ray fluorescence (XRF) gun. Apex tested the paint from representative building materials within the property. Testing was performed at 124 locations including calibrations. Additionally, the property was inspected for other hazardous materials including but not limited to mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, and chlorofluorocarbons.
In May 2021, Apex performed walkthroughs of the property with qualified abatement contractors and put together a bid package for mold remediation and asbestos abatement based on upcoming renovation plans. In June 2021, the turnkey asbestos abatement and mold remediation project was performed and completed over the course of three weeks. Apex provided a Commonwealth of Virginia licensed project monitor to perform project oversight and air monitoring during the project including daily project monitoring/inspections, asbestos final clearance air samples, and pre- and post‑remediation microbial air samples.
Apex completed both the inspection and abatement phase of the project on time and under the allocated budget. The mold remediation project removed all mold impacted drywall, ceiling tile, and carpeting from the property. The asbestos abatement project successfully removed 3,300 square feet of floor tile/mastic, 400 linear feet of black mastic associated with fiberglass pipe insulation, and 200 square feet of sheet flooring from the building. Asbestos final clearance air samples met the Commonwealth of Virginia’s criteria for re-occupancy following an abatement activity. Post remediation microbial air samples revealed interior total mold spore concentrations to be less than the outside control samples with similar species and distribution, which meet general industry criteria. The mold remediation project was effective in reducing the total airborne microbial concentrations within the building.