Environmental Project

Life Cycle: Siting to Decommissioning

Fortune 500 Corporation Midwest, Williston, Permian, and Rocky Mountain Regions

Solution Overview


Fortune 500 energy provider

Business Challenge:

  • 38K miles of pipeline and integrated facilities
  • Siting of new assets
  • Operation and maintenance (O&M) of existing assets


  • Assessments
  • Permitting
  • Environmental desktop reviews
  • Cultural resource evaluations and surveys
  • Development of operational procedures


  • Compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations


This Fortune 500 energy provider was founded over a century ago. With over 38K miles of pipeline and integrated facilities, the siting of new assets and the operation and maintenance of existing assets is a constant endeavor.

Apex Companies provides this client with environmental services to assist with avoidance, minimization, permitting, and mitigation of environmental impacts across all stages of development.


Our services include environmental desktop reviews, Waters of the US assessments, US Army Corps of Engineers permitting, cultural resource evaluations and surveys, threatened and endangered species habitat assessments, species protocol surveys, flood plain permitting, permitting of ground bed installations, stormwater management, migratory bird surveys, and the development of operational procedures for environmental protection. Our work helps our client achieve compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations including the Clean Water Act, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, the National Historic Protection Act, and the National Flood Insurance Act.


Across all assets, our client aspires to be 100% compliant with applicable laws, regulations, and internal procedures. As we continue to work directly with their operational divisions to help them protect our natural resources, Apex is consistently praised by their management and associates for our quick response time and our understanding of their assets and objectives.

How Can We Help You Succeed?

Capabilities Inquiry