Morses Pond Water Treatment Plant PFAS Treatment
Town of Wellesley • Wellesley, MA
Solution Overview

Town of Wellesley, MA
Business Challenge:
- Treatment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) at four public water supply wells
- PFAS above 20 parts per trillion (ppt) maximum contaminant level
- Develop strategy for interim PFAS treatment
- Safeguarding public health
- Interim PFAS treatment solution allowing the Town to reactivate the public water supply
The Town of Wellesley conducted PFAS screening results at all of their water supplies in April 2021, as required by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP). The results showed concentrations of PFAS6 greater than the 20 ppt maximum contaminant level at the Morses Pond Water Treatment Plant (WTP) point of entry to the distribution system. In response to these results, the Town proactively took the Morses Pond WTP offline and began utilizing their Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) connection at the Hegarty Pump Station to replace the 1.5 million gallons per day (MGD) WTP. The Town retained Environmental Partners (EP), Apex Companies’ Infrastructure Solutions platform, to design an interim treatment solution that would allow the Town to reactivate their largest source.
The interim treatment solution design by EP was activated on June 17, 2022, following approval by MassDEP. The treatment solution comprises two trailer‑mounted filtration systems for the removal of PFAS. The first trailer includes a bag filter for the removal of solids and two filtration vessels in parallel filled with granular activated carbon to quench influent chlorine. The second trailer includes two filtration vessels in series filled with anion exchange resin for the removal of PFAS6. This system is expected to operate for a minimum of 1.5 years, while the Town evaluates a long‑term solution.
Since activation in June, PFAS concentrations at the Morses Pond WTP point of entry to the distribution system have been non detect. The PFAS treatment system allows the Town to operate the WTP at a reduced capacity of approximately 1 MGD. This additional flow provides critical water supply redundancy during what has turned out to be an exceptionally dry summer in Massachusetts.