North Ridge Estates Superfund Site Environmental Services
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) • Klamath Falls, OR
Solution Overview

Oregon DEQ
Business Challenge:
- DEQ needed to support the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with the remediation of a residential development contaminated with asbestos containing materials (ACMs) due to historical use as a Marine barracks facility
- Comprehensive services to support remedial action and redevelopment
- DEQ met their obligations to EPA for the implementation of the remedial action
- Work was completed at or below budget
- Consistently met near-term and evolving deadlines
- In 2019, the EPA awarded the site with the Howard Orlean Excellence in Site Reuse award
Beginning in 2014 and through the completion of the memorial park construction in early 2020, Apex Companies provided the DEQ with technical support across a wide variety of services in support of DEQ’s work with the EPA at the North Ridge Estates Superfund site in Klamath Falls, Oregon. The site is a former Marine barracks facility that was historically redeveloped as a residential neighborhood without the proper removal and disposal of historical ACMs, which were inadvertently incorporated into the topsoil before developing the residential neighborhood. The EPA-led remedial action included excavation of two feet of ACM-impacted soil over a significant portion of the 125-acre property and replacement with clean soil obtained from a soil borrow area sourced near the Site.
Apex’s services under this contract included:
- The siting of the soil source for backfill material;
- Design and construction of an access road;
- Threatened and endangered species assessment and habitat evaluation;
- Development of a medical monitoring program for local community stakeholders (i.e., county and utility staff);
- Hiring of local cultural monitors for oversight of EPA remediation excavations;
- Completion of a Phase I environmental site assessment (ESA);
- Asbestos survey and abatement;
- Restoration of the soil source borrow pit;
- Design and construction of a neighborhood park (associated with an existing Marine barracks memorial monument); and
- Implementation of the operations and maintenance (O&M) plan for the facility
Our services also included the procurement and management of a variety of subcontracted services such as underground utility locating, cultural monitoring, well abandonment, laboratory services, road construction, asbestos abatement, landscape architecture and construction, and a munitions survey.
All of this work was completed at or below the budgets for each task (and below the overall task order budget), although there were several instances where changes in conditions required Apex to quickly adapt, coordinate with DEQ as to the impacts of those changes and request additional budget authorization as needed to cover the additional associated costs (these changes were all completed in advance of any budget exceedance).
Apex staff consistently met near-term deadlines for which most of the work under this task order was subject. Subsequent to the completion of the work in 2019, the EPA awarded the project stakeholders with the Howard Orlean Excellence in Site Reuse award, for which DEQ acknowledged Apex for our contributions to the success of the project.