PFAS Preparedness Study, Sampling Assistance, and Emergency Treatment
Town of Sharon • Sharon, MA
Solution Overview

Town of Sharon, MA
Business Challenge:
- Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) levels in excess of new Massachusetts drinking water maximum contaminant level (MCL) at the Town’s largest source
- Source needs to be fully operational to meet heavy summer demands
- Complete a preparedness study ahead of initial sampling
- Design, permit, and install an emergency ion exchange treatment system
- The Town was able to procure, install, and startup a rental PFAS removal system in less than two months, allowing them to meet water demands during peak summer months while meeting the PFAS6 MCL requirements
Environmental Partners (EP), Apex Companies’ Infrastructure Solutions platform, was engaged to assist the Town of Sharon (the Town) in addressing PFAS contamination found in excess of the new Massachusetts PFAS6 drinking water MCL at its largest water source, Well 4. Entering the Town’s high demand summer season in April 2021, Well 4 needed to be fully operational to meet peak demands, but the Town’s existing treatment system was not designed for PFAS removal.
EP completed a preparedness study ahead of the initial PFAS sampling to compile design parameters, including flow capacity, raw water quality, and site constraints, for all the Town’s sources. When excess PFAS levels were detected at Well 4, EP had all the information they needed to identify possible treatment solutions. Requiring minimal site improvements, EP assisted with the design, permitting, emergency procurement, and installation and startup of an ion exchange rental trailer and filter skid. The rental equipment was onsite and operational by the end of June 2021. Due to the pressure rating of the rental equipment, flow through the system was limited to half of the well’s original capacity, requiring the installation of a booster pump downstream of the treatment trailer to restore flow to the full 700 gallons per minute (GPM).
With the rental equipment in place as a temporary solution, EP is working with the Town to design a larger, permanent treatment facility at a centralized site. The permanent facility will provide treatment of multiple impacted sources for PFAS removal, as well as iron and manganese treatment. The Town was able to meet their water demand during peak summer months while providing a safe source of drinking water, and will continue to rely on the rental equipment while design, permitting, and construction of the permanent facility is underway.