Environmental Excellence in Action
The increasing awareness and discussions around climate change and sustainability has grown consumer and industrial interest. Therefore, there has been an acceleration in desire for clean energy resources, which are driving the adoption of green technology, as well as sustainability solutions and services in the market.
According to the Governance & Accountability Institute (G&A), over 90% of the S&P 500 companies published sustainability reports in 2019, an increase of 70% since 2011. The Apex Companies team of sustainability and climate change professionals bring over 200 years of combined experience, assisting a wide range of organizations, including over 50 Fortune 500 firms with achieving their sustainability goals. Based off of our work with public and private clients in a variety of industries, we understand the unique challenges that accompany sustainability goals, and corporate governance while also reducing costs and improving efficiencies.

Our Sustainability Solutions

- Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Verification and Assurance: Our team is well versed in the EPA Mandatory reporting rule, as well as voluntary programs including Dow Jones Sustainability Index and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). We have verified GHG emissions for 100+ Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Reporters, addressing ISO 14064-3, ISAE 3000, and AA1000AS. We can do the same for you.
- GHG Inventory Development: Apex relies on our 30+ years of experience as GHG verifiers and assurers to develop GHG inventory and inventory management plans for clients.
- Thematic Bond Second Party Opinion (SPO): Our team is well versed in the rapidly changing thematic bond market. These are also commonly referred to as “green bonds” or “climate bonds." A SPO from Apex will include an assessment of the issuer’s overarching environmental/social objectives of the bond opinion on the elements of the framework and mapping the bond’s use of proceeds to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
- Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and Sustainability Program Baseline Review and Consulting: Our team will review your corporate policies and practices associated with ESG oversight, as well as ensure alignment with your ESG/Sustainability program strategy and goals. This may include materiality assessment, site location audits, interviews with key stakeholders, and review of your existing scorecards and metrics.
- Materiality Assessment and Program Design: The GRI Standards gap analysis involves examining your industry peers, what they have defined as material topics, their existing stakeholder groups, a review of their reports/submittals to CDP, and a detailed analysis of their stakeholder activities.
Additional Services
- Commuter Program Management
- GHG LCA verification
- World Gold Council Conflict-Free Gold Standard®
- Zero waste to landfill
- Global real estate sustainability benchmark (GRESB)
- H&S metrics
- Social metrics
- Environmental metrics
- Workplace assessment for safety and hygiene (WASH)
- Climate Scenario Analysis
- Environmental Justice Program Analysis
- GHG emissions inventory and inventory management plan

Our Broad Expertise Spans the Following Industry Guidelines
- Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)—Sector‑Specific
- Mining and Metals (ICMM Requirements)
- Oil and Gas (IPIECA Guidance)
- GRI G4 Sector Guidance
- Food Processing
- Financial Services
- Construction and Real Estate