Infrastructure Asset Management
Infrastructure Asset Management is critical to the sustainability of our communities. Agency roads, sidewalks, water treatment facilities, sewer systems and bridges all play a critical role in servicing constituents. These components of public infrastructure are naturally interconnected, allowing significant cost savings to be realized when managed together. Geographic Information System (GIS) technology and Infrastructure Management provide municipalities with the ability to collect, organize, and integrate both condition and asset data, allowing plans and strategies to form with quantitative supporting information.
Providing GIS, related mapping, and a wide range of Asset Management services, Apex Companies' expertise includes supporting water, wastewater, and stormwater master planning; town-wide Pavement Management, ADA compliance assessments, sign inventories, and Complete Streets assessments; and municipal utilities location mapping. Much of our Asset Management results in the preparation of Capital Improvement Plans (CIP) that are depended upon by our municipal clients. Apex uses the latest GIS technology to develop geographic data including GPS and mobile computing to enhance field data collection and mapping. Additional services include creating and hosting mobile web-based applications for GIS data on servers, extending its usage without the need for expensive software licenses or training, providing maintenance staff opportunities to work in the field more efficiently and effectively.
Services Offered
Ensuring that all users are able to access public spaces and places safely, comfortably, and without barriers is the best way to make a community livable and inclusive.
Complete Streets and ADA compliance is a vital part of Transportation infrastructure. For example, recent incentives are in place to assist municipalities in promoting Complete Streets, starting in Massachusetts with the MassDOT Complete Streets Funding program. Apex provides assistance with this program utilizing GIS to collect existing pedestrian, bicycle, and transit accommodations, prioritize gaps and deficiencies, and quantify construction costs to remedy. The tool not only assists with the funding program but provides the municipality with a useful tool in planning infrastructure improvements for years to come. Apex also provides communities with inventories that focus on ADA compliance including assessment of all sidewalks and ramps town-wide. The GIS tool created by Apex allows for projects to be planned and phased and the resulting construction cost estimate identified.

GIS technology helps municipal departments to accomplish operations, maintenance, and improvement tasks more quickly and efficiently.
Provided GIS and related mapping design, implementation, and training for many municipalities, Apex has GIS professionals that work closely with municipal staff and leaders to develop systems tailored to unique operational needs, technical capabilities, and available budget. Apex’s staff utilizes the latest software products including GPS and mobile computing and are ESRI trained, allowing for the most comprehensive services to meet all client needs. Apex is also equipped to assist in the development of an ArcIMS application. Knowledgeable staff can guide clients through each step of the process from server and software purchases to final online mapping, web site development, and implementation.
With limited funding available to municipalities each year, Pavement Management is a valuable tool that allows for planning pavement maintenance, preservation, and rehabilitation to stretch municipal investments and reduce pavement life cycle costs.
Apex provides Pavement Management Services to assist communities in identifying and prioritizing critical infrastructure projects. Our staff is a valuable resource to communities and provides guidance on roadway preservation techniques designed to keep good roadways in good condition. By leveraging the latest data collection technologies, Apex provides critical condition data in an efficient and cost effective manner. Our GIS-based platform allows decision makers to extract information such as Pavement Condition Ratings, backlog information and project-level construction costs. The resulting CIP and forecasting models allow municipal users to plan and project their future budgets and needs.

Cost effective inventories such as Sign Inventories are tools that allow municipalities to maintain safe travel for the motoring public as supported by the Federal Highway Administration.
With expertise in sign inventories and assisting communities to prioritize necessary improvements, Apex provides comprehensive sign inventory services to comply with local, state, and federal regulations and requirements, mapping each sign in GIS and assessing for condition. Recognizing the importance for signs to be visible and recognizable, each sign is also reviewed for compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) including legend, size, sheeting material, and retroreflectivity. Sign Inventories help municipalities to be in compliance with the Federal Highway Administration.
GIS and mapping services are vital components of comprehensive water supply and distribution system master planning, wastewater facilities planning, and Phase II MS4 stormwater management projects.
Assisting municipalities in the areas of water, wastewater, and stormwater master planning, Apex has provided unique and timely services in the area of town-wide GIS and related system mapping. Providing a wide breadth of services including integrating GIS mapping with water distribution system hydraulic modeling; upgrading and conversion of assessor’s maps; digitizing scanned utilities plans; Water, Sewer, and Drainage System Cataloging and Mapping; town-wide aerial mapping; and procurement and oversight.