Sustainable Solutions for Today’s Water Challenges
With significant experience completing wastewater management projects for municipalities and public agencies, Apex Companies provides comprehensive wastewater solutions from planning, design, and construction through operation and maintenance. With projects ranging in scale from small coastal communities to large cities, Apex supports all aspects of wastewater including GIS mapping, computer modeling, collection, permitting, pumping, assessment, planning, pump station and treatment facility design, and construction management. Also, Apex provides clients with analysis and reduction planning services to reduce costly infiltration and inflow into the sewer system and create additional capacity for growth and development.

Apex is a Licensed Wastewater Operator
Across the country, experienced wastewater operators are aging out of the work force, and replacements are hard to find. At Apex, we've developed the qualified on-site services needed to fill the gap.
Apex currently operates several sanitary sewage treatment plants and provides general operations to these facilities. Apex also offers piping and electrical upgrades to these plants as needed. Our staffed, licensed operators retain certification from the Department of Environmental Protection for Class A or lower with sub-classes 1 through 4. We can provide on-site assistance in construction, startup, operation, and maintenance of treatment plants and collection systems.

Our Wastewater Solutions
With water becoming an increasingly precious resource, the need to process wastewater efficiently and effectively is an absolute necessity. Apex can provide the support you need when you need it. Whether performing routine maintenance or managing a crisis, our wastewater engineers and professional consultants are skilled in all aspects of wastewater design, maintenance, and optimization.
- Licensed operation of water systems
- Licensed operation of wastewater systems
- Design and installation
- Treatability studies
- Zero discharge closed loop evaluations
- Water usage reduction audits
- Wastewater audits for reduction in operations and maintenance (O&M) costs
- Permitted wastewater discharge compliance
- Wastewater chemical dosing benchtop testing
- Aquifer Storage and Recovery systems (ASR)
- Reuse system supplemental supply
- Deep injection well design/permitting/construction support
- Seepage and mounding analysis for slow and rapid rate land disposal systems
- Existing monitoring and telemetry systems upgrades
- Existing control systems upgrades
- O&M and manual preparation
- Wastewater treatment system operator training
- pH and ORP probe calibration
- Collection and conveyance
- Comprehensive wastewater management plans (CWMPs)
- NPDES and permitting
- Pump stations
- Wastewater treatment plants