Innovative Solutions for a Dynamic Industry
Already on the rise, and propelled further by the COVID-19 pandemic, e-commerce has grown to astronomical proportions, stretching providers to their limits. With consumers seeking greater convenience and door to door service for a variety of retail and service needs, EHS challenges are often unpredictable and ever-changing. New regulations seem to arise overnight, and in some cases, reporting requirements have forced many to rethink their business models entirely. Traditional retail has faced similar challenges, transforming storefronts to provide a safe customer experience while also managing an increasingly complex regulatory environment. Apex Companies has experience and creativity to help solve your problems and keep your business moving without interruption.

Our E-Commerce/Retail Solutions
- Comprehensive stormwater program management
- Basin maintenance
- Pond rehabilitation
- Corrective action and repairs
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and spill prevention control and countermeasure (SPCC) permitting and inspections
- Drinking water testing

- Due diligence: Phase I and II environmental site assessments (ESAs)/property condition assessments
- Wetlands delineation and permitting
- Underground storage tank (UST) and above ground storage tank (AST) design, removal, and installation
- Remediation system design, installation, and operations and maintenance (O&M)
- Spill prevention and response
- Soil and groundwater cleanup
- Vapor intrusion

- Personal dosimetry and area sound level mapping
- Hazardous materials assessments: mold, lead, asbestos‑containing materials (ACM), etc.
- ACM and hazardous materials O&M
- Job Hazard Analysis (JHAs)
- Ergonomic program development
- Moisture mapping and indoor air quality assessments

- Regulatory compliance support
- Spill bucket, used oil, AST, UST, and E15 fuel compliance
- Compliance and conformance auditing
- Hazardous and regulated materials management and permitting
- Management systems consulting
- Sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) consulting
- Life cycle analysis (LCA)